Sunday, December 07, 2008

The transformation of the "common man"

Every morning, I wake up and grab the morning paper to read about the "Common Man" a cartoon by R K Laxman. It is my morning cup of tea. Refreshed, I pack my bag and go to school. Now and then, I discuss the cartoon with friends.

Always with a smile on my face, pass by the wrongs with an opinion and a gentle shake of my head only wishing it were be better. The potholes, the inefficiencies of the bureaucarcy, the corruption, the red tape all with a non-controversial opinion of the wrong. I am resiliant, I am indolent, I am carefree, I am the common man.

I walk with my bag, I walk with a smile, now I drive to work. I make enough to have a good living. I come home to the family. I turn on the news, the channels blast about bollywood, cricket, the potholes, the corruption, the bureaucracy, I shake my head and give my opinion. I am the common man.

I save for my family, I work hard, I want see the happiness for my loved ones. Now, I have internet at work. I read about the world, I read about their opinion, I see what they see, I see the pain, I see the unlawfulness, I see corruption, bureaucracy, I shake my head. I am the common man.

Then comes "A wednesday". The common man now has a voice. Opinion now is followed by an action. I hear you my friends, this is a democracy and we are a civil society. The power lies in our voice, we will stay united. The nexus of politicians, criminals and terrorists should not break us apart. We take pride in our culture, but every culture needs to adapt. Lets adapt and fight this weed that is growing into our society, which is tearing us apart. The country that united to fight the Britishers needs to unite again to fight the weed that has choked our will, our force and our unity.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I can hear music!

Metallica's new album "Death Magnetic" will be in stores this Friday. I am not a big fan of the early adopter culture but this time around I will be in front of the line. I just heard a few really good songs on youtube. I like the song "The day that never comes" and "My Apocalypse". I felt Cyanide was a little off tune. But, dont want to give my two cents without listening to the album atleast a few times. I let the music grow on me, that way I better appreciate it.
After going to the radiohead concert (never heard any of Radiohead other than Creep and Fake Plastic trees) and getting all their albums, I seem to better appreciate their music and its unique taste. The concert itself an experience to really relish, the lights and the colors was once in a lifetime experience (obviously repeats itself by going to all their concerts while they are on tour). As only a noob to concerts, I am egging to go to the Metallica concert at Verizon center in DC. Noob or not, Metallica will rock any day. If they play even 5% of all their classics, it will kick ass.
Just watched "The day that never comes" video, it gave me goose bumps!