Monday, August 24, 2009

Formula 1 not a sport worth investing?

Fair enough that F1 is not a sport worth investing. I am a big F1 fan but not at the cost of $37 MM a year, in Rupees its a lot of money which can be properly utilized for encouraging other sports. But, if its entertainment, I am sure that it can generate a lot of revenue at least in the form of tourism.

Its a business case that I would love to skim through to see the rationale for it. There there are a lot of countries that are not seeing its true value, my guess is that the cost of hosting the event is very high and if they need to get people to come and watch the race, the ticket cost should be made affordable. F1 has a lot of interest in India but what is the price of this interest? I see that there is a lot of promotion of late, but one race in a year... how much cash flow can that generate in a day?

If the revenue will come over time in the form of sports tourism, I dont think India is a preferred destination for the elite.

End of the day its not cricket and it will never come close to IPL.

The link to the TOI article

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